Second Dimension

美 [ˈsekənd daɪˈmenʃn]英 [ˈsekənd daɪˈmenʃn]
  • 网络第二尺寸
Second DimensionSecond Dimension
  1. Two methods to calculate the dead time of the second dimension were introduced .


  2. The second dimension is the social relationships behind the cash gift .


  3. Second dimension is , whether this is a general versus a targeted language .


  4. Self-management , the second dimension of Emotional Intelligence , also helps decrease our stress .


  5. The second dimension is uncovering the symbolic power relations between speaker and audience .


  6. The second dimension inquires whether the right strategy , information , and material flows are available to support the desired performance level .


  7. By adjacency of enterprises on the second dimension , with its functional mechanism being external economies of scale and scope ;


  8. On the other hand , the introduction of second dimension improves the analytic capability , especially for multi-phase systems , considerably .


  9. And this is where the second dimension of the problem comes in , namely the formal and informal monitoring systems intended to ensure scientific quality .


  10. The second dimension is the activities an individual engage with certain technology while the third dimension is the skills an individual possess with certain technologies .


  11. A second dimension that needs to be considered in an isolation strategy is the run time technologies on top of which the services will be layered .


  12. The first dimension is fiscal constraints and political stimulating . The second dimension is the constraint from the factor liquidity on the fiscal policy .


  13. But this Health Assembly had a second dimension , expressed as your unwavering commitment to the health-related MDGs .


  14. After being concentrated and desalted , the samples were separated by isoelectric focusing on first dimension and SDS electrophoresis on second dimension .


  15. The second dimension is the sociological foundation of energy tax . It discusses the relationship between using energy and poverty elimination , employment , international cooperation and social impact of the energy tax .


  16. The second dimension is the implementation of the dimension . multi-Agent technology , the establishment of multi-Agent system including Information Agent , Information Fusion Agent . Evaluation Agent , Management Agent and Multi-Agent System Interface Agent , individualized evaluation process simulation .


  17. This chapter researches the flow process of enterprise knowledge from two dimensions . The first dimension of enterprise knowledge , including explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge , and the second dimension of knowledge exists in the enterprise employees , departments and enterprises .


  18. The incompatibility of the two dimensional mobile phases was avoided because the flow rate of the first dimension is only 1 / 500 of that of the second dimension . Study on Slope Farmland Runoff Model in Blackland Based on 1-D Saint-Venant Equation


  19. Isoelectric focusing ( IEF ) electrophoresis was employed as the first dimension and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( SDS-PAGE ) was employed as the second dimension . After being stained and bleached , the protein spots were analyzed .


  20. In the second dimension , due to the different viewpoints of persons at different enterprise level , BPM is regarded as a multi-views system consisting of goal view , process view and organization view , where the process view and organization view are influenced and enhanced each other .


  21. Methods Healthy adult man bone marrow proteome of Han nationality was resuspended in two different solution systems . The extracted protein was separated by 2-DE , immobilized pH gradient ( IPG ) isoelectric focusing as the first dimension , then vertical SDS-PAGE as the second dimension .


  22. Inspection of the second spatial dimension show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between industrial agglomeration scale and the productivity growth of the representive agglomerated industries , and the inflection point emerged around 2004 .


  23. The adsorption dynamics and isotherm analysis indicated that the steric effects on adsorption kinetics were primarily related with the largest molecular dimension of the adsorbate , and the steric effects on adsorption equilibrium were primarily related with the second molecular dimension of the adsorbate .


  24. Second , from dimension of environmental history , this paper reviews human environmental history and environmental crisis in history .


  25. This article is applying the second theorem of dimension to dimensionless the different potential function of Schrodinger equation .


  26. Second , each dimension of occupational has different relation to the correlated variables ( including locus of control , general self-efficacy , work-family conflict and supervisor support ), this provides discriminant validity of the multidimensional construct .


  27. The real estate venture capital decision-making has the typical characteristic of the multi-objective decision-making : First , the influence target is multitudinous ; Second , the dimension is not unified ; Third , the objective conflict ; Forth , the optimal solution is difficult to determine .


  28. The influence of the second phas'e particle 's dimension on the induration capability of Mo-La alloys


  29. Second , the Z dimension can be used to imply navigational connection without requiring additional visual symbols , such as lines or arrows .


  30. Then we used the fractal theory to study on pore , Second , the fractal dimension of fiber aggregation was calculated by box-counting method with program , which based on the image analysis of section image .
